Nov 12

In preparation for the launch of its Export Development Training Program, the Saint Lucia Coalition of Service Industries (SLCSI) hosted a presentation for local service enterprises on Tuesday 11th November 2014 at the conference room of the Ministry of Commerce, Business Development and Consumer Affairs in Castries.

The Export Development Training is being provided under the Services Go Global (SGG) Program, and the presentation was aimed at familiarizing local businesses in the services sector with key aspects of the program and to demonstrate how their staff and clients could benefit from the training to improve their export readiness.

Making extensive use of slides, power point presentations and distribution of literature, the service sector representatives from both state agencies and private enterprises were invited to not only enlist for the training — scheduled to be delivered during 2015 — but also to avail themselves of membership in SLCSI through its various member association.

The lead facilitator for the November 11th presentation was SLCSI’s Administrative & Projects Office, Eulymphia John. Presentations were also made by the two designated SGG Export Development Trainers, Claudius “Peto” Francis and Keith Millar.

This audio recording of the presentation begins with Eulymphia John giving and overview of SLCSI’s work, followed by Claudius “Peto” Francis and then Keith Millar, detailing what the contents of the training will include and their modes of delivery. Representatives of some of the participating companies then provide feedback on the presentation.

An exit interview with Eulymphia John wraps up proceedings.